How do I create a new user in CSMAscent for SQL Server?

The process of creating new users within the CSMAscent application requires three steps :-

Firstly, create a user within SQL Server Logins section via Enterprise Manager or SQL Management Studio (depends on SQL server version). The new login name will be either a reference to your Windows Domain Login if you are using integrated security (AKA trusted security), or a SQL Login if using SQL Server authentication method. The method used depends on what was specified when you previously ran DATAPATH.EXE to link your application to your particular database. If you can’t remember which method was selected you can tell by looking within the application at the “Manager” menu, “User Maintenance” option – at the bottom of the dialogue box it will tell you that either “SQL Server is using NT integrated security” (which implies Windows logins are used) or “SQL Server is not using NT integrated security” (which implies SQL logins). When creating a login that is a SQL-mode login make sure you leave the password blank for the new user; Integrated security logins do not require passwords to be entered. When defining the new login select the “Database Access” or “User Mapping” tab and make sure the login is granted access to the CSMAscent database with the “AscentPayrollUsers” role and “DBOwner” role ticked.

Secondly, start the CSMAscent application authenticating yourself with an existing username and password, then open the “Manager” menu, “User Maintenance” option. This will list existing users defined within the CSMAscent users table. Add a new row to the end of the list for your new login, again specifying a blank password. The username is case sensitive, so is best to type it in the exact form that you want it to be entered – bear in mind that when starting the CSMAscent application it defaults to your current Windows network login name.

Thirdly, quit the CSMAscent application and restart it. Log in to CSMAscent using the new username and blank password, then use the “Utilities” menu “Change Password” option to set a more secure password.